How Do You Care For Potted Narcissus?

So, you’ve brought back a plant from the nursery and now need to know how to care for Potted N narcissistic. This lovely plant comes from the Orchid family and is commonly known as “potted chrysanthemums”. They are extremely popular both as indoor plants and as part of the larger potted houseplants that adorn many home landscapes. As a matter of fact, this is one of the first potted plants I ever grew when I was a child. Now, I wonder if it’s still in bloom..

How do you care for Potted Narcissus? Just like any other potted plants, they need regular watering. You should water each and every day; however, don’t over-water. If you do, the roots may rot due to excess water. Do not place your potted plants too close to the wall as they can get ‘thrown out’ due to wind or dropped objects; the same goes for your feet as they brush against the wall and get ‘thrown out’ also.

It is important not to over-winthe your Potted Narcissus. Overwatering will result in the roots drying out and falling off. If you have a plant that is growing well and has not produced any new leaves, then you can cut back to the third inch of the stem. Remember, when you trim any tree, you trim the growth evenly; don’t cut the base too far back or the entire thing could die.

When you receive the water or watering (by scooping the water up from the soil), carefully lift the plant out of the ground. It is best to move it out of the sun during the hottest part of the day. It is quite possible for your Potted Narcissus to burn as a result of too much sun; do not expose the potted plant to direct sunlight; the last thing you want is yellow leaves on your palms! It is also better to move it outside after the first rains fall. When the weather is warm, move it inside.

How do you care for a Potted Narcissus? Once you have moved it indoors into a dark corner where it cannot be exposed to direct sun, you need to mist it gently. Take care not to leave the plant under direct sunlight for more than a couple of hours. If you put a sheet over the plant while it is still outdoors, the roots will become sun burnt. Mist the plant every morning and remove it by evening.

How do you care for a Potted Narcissus? Make sure you keep the Potted Narcissus dry. A humid plant can do damage to its leaves; this is common with African hybrids. Avoid placing the Potted Narcissus near a direct, hot source of water. It will require lots of water in the summer. Water it only when the soil seems dry.

How do you care for a Potted Narcissus? It is probably best to take care of the plant indoors during the winter months, especially when there is little frosts. Protect it from the cold weather by wrapping it in some paper towels. It will survive the winter better than if you leave it outdoors unprotected.

How do you care for a Potted Narcissus? The good news is that Potted Narcissus is relatively easy to grow if you follow the right care instructions. This plant is a Mediterranean plant. It is easy to grow but like all plants, it requires proper conditions for successful flowering and blooming.

How do you care for a Potted Narcissus? When the weather begins to warm in spring, it is time to move the Potted Narcissus indoors. The location where you move the plant will determine when it blooms. In early spring, it is best to move it to a south facing part of your house. Avoid moving it if it is in the center of a room.

How do you care for a Potted Narcissus? Make sure that the soil where the plant is placed has plenty of drainage. The roots of the plant are very long. The roots will rot if the soil is not properly cared for. They can withstand a bit of neglect so long as there are no major temperature fluctuations.

How do you care for a Potted Narcissus? When the weather begins to change in autumn, move the Potted Narcissus indoors. This way it can be moved to an area that receives less sun in the fall. Avoid moving the plant during cold, snowy periods. It will not grow well.

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